Tirsdag 29. jul 2014 kl. 21:30

Plateslipp: Daniel Lercher & Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø


Velkommen til releasesommerkonsert på Pizdets!

Daniel Lercher (AT) – laptop
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø – trombone


c.c. 70

(kun kontant. plater til salgs!)

«Very intense and very beautiful and perhaps at thirty-six minutes, not long enough for my taste.»
– Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly

«Ein Paradebeispiel für gehobenen bzw. anspruchsvollen Noise!»
– Kulturterrorismus
«Grandi silenzi, suoni e rumori sparsi, vibrazioni in basse frequenze ed oscillazioni sugli autci.»
– Emiliano Grigis, Sodapop

«This duo investigate the basic fragments of sound. The breaths that operate the acoustic spectrum of the trombone and its meeting points with laptop-produced minimalist hiss, sine waves and noises, all processed and filtered with a special software that Lercher devised. Lercher and Nørstebø merge these sound sources into distinct fragile and almost transparent sonic entities, surprising in their cohesive power and spontaneous freedom. The five meticulous pieces are delicate and abstract sonic storms.»
– Eyal Hareuveni, All about jazz




70 kr


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