CHIBA er en jazzkvartett bestående av: Jeremy Rose (Australia) – saksofon Tore Sandbakken – trommer
Vi spiller et par konserter i Norge! Håper å se deg der. Søndag 16.9 Antikvariatet, Trondheim. Kl 20 Cc: 100/50(student) The music is an eclectic mix of acoustic jazz with influences from Afro-American rhythmic pedigree to lyrical European music languages, Australian/Norwegian project *Chiba* features some of the best new talent from the Australian and Scandinavian scenes, creating an avant-garde jazz collaboration in which «the chemistry is perfect» (/Jazznytt/) and where «there is a cool Nordic atmosphere throughout» (/The Australian/). The band has released a critically acclaimed self titled CD and has toured Norway and Australia (2011). |
Søndag 16. sep 2012 kl. 20:00
/ Antikvariatet