16. november 2015

Medbøe / Eriksen / Halle
The Space Between

Om utgivelsen

Haftor Medbøe (guitar), Espen Eriksen (piano) and Gunnar Halle (trumpet) played together for the first time in
an extended line-up for the 2013 Edinburgh Jazz Festival, UK. The musical chemistry between the three
musicians inspired the stripped-down trio setting that made its debut at Edinburgh Jazz Festival in 2015 to a
rapturous audience. The subsequent album, that features seven original compositions by Medbøe, was
recorded in the prestigious Castlesound studios, located in the historic village of Pencaitland, Scotland.
Themes from both sides of the North Sea intertwine with cultural echoes from further afield. The trio setting
affords each of the musicians in the trio unparalleled space in which to explore depth and breadth of tone and
dynamics, while challenging them to extend their normal roles within the ensemble. The Space Between is
released on Losen Records in early November. This recording was supported by Creative Scotland.


Fra forsiden


Kommer hjem med Maridalen

I månedsskiftet mars/april legger Maridalen ut på turné i Agder, Vestfold og Telemark, og skal spille ni konserter på kjente trakter. Bandet har med seg trommeslager Erland Dahlen som gjest, og ser frem til å dele musikken sin med publikum hjemme.

Now's the time

NTT: Mathildes fanfare

Mathilde Grooss Viddals FriEnsemblet feirer 20 år med ny plate, Bjørn Vidar Solli snakker om David Lynch, trombonist Erik Johannessen tegner og forklarer, vi ser på The Brutalist, er på konsert med Lasse Marhaug, hører på en idealistisk impro-samler, og vi sier adjø til flere helter.

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