5. desember 2015

The Clash of the Titans

Om utgivelsen

Maximalistica slapp i år ut sitt debut album under en konsert på Copenhagen Jazzfestival. Bandet startet på Jazzkonservatoriet i København hvor alle i bandet hadde eller tok sin masterutdannelse i jazz, derav to nordmenn Trond Kallevåg Hansen og Stian Swensson. De har siden fått flere glimrende anmeldelser.

More is more”! We don’t take only one guitar player, but three. Not one drummer, but two drummers: this is Maximalistica!

This band, based in Copenhagen Denmark, is a fresh breeze in the music scene of this era. Maximalistica is a vital gathering of five different nationalities coming from the northern regions of Europe. Maximalistica experiments with new playing techniques and fresh ways to improvise. The unconventional instrumentation enables extended dynamics and colorful sound palettes.

A concert with Maximalistica is a journey. On our show free improvisations can escalate into gorgeous mayhem or the most complex a-tonal sound-scape can turn into a catchy Indie rock chorus!

Milton Babbitt: «to make music as much as it can be rather than as little as one can get away with.»
«Pladen kan fungere som et kig ind i fem musikeres fælles laboratorium. Et laboratorium hvor musikerne undrer sig og filosoferer gennem musikken» -jazznyt (DK)

‘The music sounds tranquil and serene at times, yet it may build up to intriguing complexities. Whatever this group performs, they make sure to put you on the edge of your seat for the entirety of the performance’’ -de Subjectivisten (NL)-

»Uplifting, at times thrilling music, where the strength of the group is fully exploited’’ -Jazzflits (NL)


Fra forsiden

OJKOS spiller: Øyvind Mathisen - Victoria, Nasjonal jazzscene - 28. januar 2025

Omfangsrikt og smidig

KONSERT: Velblåst og strøken musikk som fortjener en runde i et godt platestudio.

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