29. april 2016

Simen Kiil Halvorsens Scripted Conversations
Scripted Conversations

Om utgivelsen

«Scripted Conversations» is trumpet player Simen Kiil Halvorsen´s debut album. It´s also the name of his new sextet, where Simen himself is the band leader and composer. The project started when he received the Mølster-Award at MaiJazz International Jazz Festival in Stavanger, Norway.

The band consists of some of the country´s leading and most acknowledged young musicians. They are known from bands and projects such as Atomic, Moskus, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Hanna Paulsberg Concept, Past Present and Significant Time.

Simen Kiil Halvorsen originates from the jazz scene in Stavanger. He is now based in Oslo. Both his background and his current musical activity is broad and includes different styles and traditions. With influences such as Coltrane, Chet Baker, Grieg, Stravinskij and modern nordic jazz styles, his curiosity and nuanced experience is present in the music. Simen´s music is dynamic, organic, honest and full of surprises. He has explored his inner musicality and might be one step closer in the eternal prosess of finding his unique inner voice.

With the album «Scripted Conversations» Simen wished to create a framework in the form of strong melodies, form and tonality, and to use these frames as a starting point for organic interaction, play and improvisation. He has attempted to leave the music open enough to let the musicians color the music with their strong musical identities and lead it into different directions. The ensemble has two drummers. This opens up for new soundscapes, exciting role distributions and a great dynamic specter. With a lot of room for freedom and improvisation, but still with a defined musical expression, Scripted Conversations is a unique ensemble that under the leadership of Simen Kiil Halvorsen shines of surplus, joy, creativity and quality on all levels.

The recording took place at PhatCat Studios in Oslo, December 2015, with Steven Grant Bishop as studio-technician. It was mixed and mastered in Oslo by David Aleksander Sjølie.

Simen Kiil Halvorsen – trumpet, Hanna Paulsberg – saxophone, Øyvind Dale – piano, Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson – bass, Raymond Lavik – drums, Hans Hulbækmo – drums

«A very strong album debut» – Roald Helgeheim / Dagsavisen (NO)

«A fresh debut from a young trumpeter» – Terje Mosnes / Jazz i Norge (NO)


Simen Kiil Halvorsen - Trompet, komponist
Hanna Paulsberg - Saksofon
Øyvind Dale - Piano
Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson - Kontrabass
Raymond Lavik - Trommer
Hans Hulbækmo - Trommer


Fra forsiden


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