16. januar 2015


Om utgivelsen

Puul is a brand new duo consisting of the fabulous British bass player Tim Harries (Brian Eno, Bill Bruford, Katie Melua) and the Norwegian soundscaper and electronic wizard Terje Evensen. (John Paul Jones, Nils Petter Molvær).


“I first made music with Terje Evensen in Martin France’s group Spin Marvel and when the opportunity to play as a duo came up, I jumped at it and we did a gig in Oslo. The evening was memorable partly due to my having food poisoning and I was impressed by his discreet acceptance of my occasional mumbling sprints from the room, but more so by his unique sonic and musical sensibility, having combined electronic research with being a fluid and top-pocket drummer. So we thought we’d record and here it is under the name Puul (my fault, I always wanted to be in a band with two U’s in its name). If I’d asked anyone else to think about the bass as a sleepwalker, dream-haunted by fragments of half forgotten vocabularies, and make an independent but encompassing parallel sound world for it to wander in, they’d probably have told me to get lost. Glad he didn’t.”

-Tim Harries-

Making music with Tim Harries, has for me, always been a total pleasure. He has this enormous wealth of information about music, but at the same time he has a humility that is remarkable. Human, thoughtful, intelligent, emotive, sensitive, down to the bone hard core: These are all qualities that Tim brings to the work, and to the music. I am very grateful for Puul, for the double u, for this compounded yet spacious duo.

-Terje Evensen-


Band name: PUUL
Album title: Puul
EAN: 7041880560423
Catalog number: OSP004
Label: Optical Substance Productions 
Distribution: Musikkoperatørene/Phonofile Forced Exposure (US)
Format: Digital downloads only. (Itunes, etc) 
Release date: 16th of January 2015
Promo contact: opticalsubstance@icloud.com 
Web: http://puul.bandcamp.com/releases 
Presspack download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1EsNNwu3y7J eGdkZEZTV0xkRlU/edit?pli=1 


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