18. oktober 2024

Karl Seglem

Om utgivelsen

Award-winning Karl Seglem, reknowned for his innovative and emotive world-jazz, joins forces
with the top of Norwegian folk- and jazz musicians. His concept-album, the 2LP masterpiece
Mytevegar (2023) has it´s «rebirth» on a new cd-release to come Oct.18.2024. An international
release with promotion and distribution focus on Germany and Portugal. Norwegian reviews of
Mytevegar was overwhelming: «It’s tough, exciting, and together with the poems, it makes Mytevegar
one of the best and most important Norwegian albums of the entire 2023, regardless of any genre.» Roy
Ervin Solstad, Stereo +
The theme: The red line: Climate change, loss of nature, ecoside, antrophocene: «Deep fear. Deep
tranquility» is the title of his poetry collection (2022) which he reads from on the albums. Together
with is great band he´s presenting a combine world-, prog- and experimental jazz kind of music,
taking the listener straight to the new landscapes of Norway: stone deserts, cabin-hotels and
industry, versus cut down of old forests, destroyed landscapes for useless windmills, polluted fjords
for salmon-growth and a goverment that opens up for more fossil growth. Among others. Norway
became extremely rich very fast, and money do trig different and often simple behavior in our
human brains. Why do we never stop wanting more? Music can give us hope and a feeeling of
beeing together.. This album is both deeply poetic and dreamy, but also expresses dark fear and a
melancholy every human beeing might feel now and then for the state of our planet we all share,
and should stand together taking care of. Karl Seglem, Oslo 2024.


Karl Seglem - ten.sax, goat horn, voice
Andreas Vold Løwe - piano, keys
Erlend Viken - fiddles
Hallvard Gaardløs - bass, vocals
Kåre Opheim - drums
Alf Magne Hillestad, - drums, electronics
Eirik Dørsdal, - trumpet
Andreas Ulvo - Rhodes
Kenneth Lien - zither, harp
Stein Villa - harpe,zither
Lars Jakob Rudjord - keys
Ketil Thorbjørnsen - el.guitar
Jørn Erik Ahlsen Alkanger - el.guitar
Henrik Bergersen - el.guitar
Kasper Dyve - el.guitar
Roger Morland - el.bass
Ellen Brekken - bass, el.bass
Jorunn Barane - voice


Fra forsiden

Kjetil Mulelid Trio - Kafé Hærverk - 15. februar 2025

Pianotrio holder helg

KONSERT: Varme og skaperkraft får lørdagsopplevelsen til å sitte som limt.


Med hjerte for hjembygda

Tynset Jazzklubb markerer ti-årsjubileum med stor festkonsert lørdag 15. februar. - En har lyst til å få ting til å skje på hjemplassen, en har lyst til å vise frem masse fin jazzmusikk og utvide sjangerbegrepene hos den gjengse østerdøl, sier leder Ellen Brekken om inspirasjonen til å fortsette.

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