2. februar 2024

OJKOS spiller Sigrid Aftret
Dalende Farger og Gjenklang

Om utgivelsen

Dalende farger og gjenklang is a part of a commissioned work recorded live in concert at Victoria Nasjonal Jazzscene 29th of November 2022. OJKOS (orchestra for jazz composers in Oslo) is a contemporary jazz orchestra featuring young musicians who want to explore their musical vocabulary in a big ensemble, interpreting as well as composing. The commissioned piece is inspired by the art of the Norwegian painter Anna-Eva Bergman. Through studying Bergmans methods, artistic approach and inspirations, Aftret has sought to adapt some of the elements into her music. This has affected her composing process through changing methods and focus points, but also by shaping an overlying atmosphere that takes her into a similar sphere as Bergmans paintings does.

Mix and master – Jean-Baptiste Nirascou
Live recording and sound – Louise Lavoll and Daniel Wold
Cover : Clement Merienne


Sigrid Aftret - Tenorsaksofon/fløyte/altfløyte/komponist
Alessandra Rombolá - Bassfløyte/piccolofløyte
Camilla Hole - Sopransaksofon
Maria Dybbroe - Altsaksofon
Tina Lægreid Olsen - Klarinett/bassklarinett
Tancred Heyerdahl Husø - Trompet
Lyder Øvreås Røed - Trompet
Magnus Murphy Joelson - Trombone
Johannes Fosse Solvang - Trombone
Andreas Rotevatn - Trombone
Magnus Løvseth - Tuba
Arne Martin Nybo - Gitar
Evelien Vaneysendeyk - Harpe
Aleksander Hoholm - Bass
Knut Kvifte Nesheim - Trommer


Fra forsiden


Vestlandsk Big Band Boom

Fredag 7. og lørdag 8. mars arrangerer Vestnorsk jazzsenter sammen med Bergen Big Band og Bergen jazzforum for første gang en egen festival for regionens storband, Big Band Boom, på Sardinen USF.

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