6. mai 2022

Amalie Dahl's Dafnie

Om utgivelsen

The energetic somersault greeting us on the debut of Danish born Trondheim based saxophone player and band leader Amalie Dahl’s Dafnie is a heads up for this fresh breath of air that Dafnie represents. The quintet colour out Dahl’s strong, melodic compositions with playfulness and convincing weight. What we hear is harmonic yet avant-garde, with references to both old school free jazz and modern contemporary reed-leaded bands. But be not in doubt – Dafnie is something of its own.

The musicians are currently living in Trondheim (NO) and Copenhagen (DEN) and are also to hear in other award winning projects like Kongle Trio, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra and I like to Sleep, among others. In september 2021 Dafnie participated in Young Crocus Jazz Contest, in Jelenia Góra (Poland), and won the 1st price among bands from all of Europe.


Amalie Dahl - Saxofoner, komposisjoner
Oscar Andreas Haug - Trompet
Jørgen Bjelkerud - Trombone
Nicolas Leirtrø - Kontrabas
Veslemøy Narvesen - Trommer


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