2. februar 2024

Liv Andrea Hauge Trio
Ville Blomster

Om utgivelsen

Den 2. februar 2024 var det duket for release av Liv Andrea Hauge Trios første studioalbum, «Ville blomster». Trioens første plate, «Live from St. Hanshaugen,» ble innspilt i Livs stue, kun en uke etter at de begynte å spille sammen, mens «Ville blomster» derimot, representerer resultatet av et år med hyppig turnévirksomhet, øving og studiotid. Trioen har utviklet sitt eget uttrykk, som gir rom for utforskning og improvisasjon. Tittelen «Ville blomster» symboliserer den ville og improviserte siden av musikken deres, og de vakre og enkle melodiske elementene (blomstene) som skiller seg ut.

Plata er spilt inn i Athletic Sound i Halden sammen med Dag Erik Johansen i mai 2023. Mye av musikken var skrevet like før og låtene på albumet varierer fra drivende, fengende låter inspirert av pianister som Keith Jarrett og Brad Mehldau, til mer melankolske, luftige komposisjoner som Vår og Ødemarka. Om skriveprosessen sier Liv: «Alle låtene, for utenom Ødemarka og Du og jeg, baby, er skrevet hjemme i leiligheta mi midt i sentrum av Oslo. Jeg liker å åpne vinduene og høre på livet utenfor, og sitte bak pianoet alene i timesvis og lete en etter en idé som har en tydelig karakter».

Fremover har trioen mange planer. Allerede dagen etter albumslipp så spiller de på åpninga av Bodø24 sammen med Arktisk Filharmoni og tre vokalister. Senere i februar skal de på slippturné, og i sommer skal de spille på ulike festivaler, samt konserter i utlandet. De er også valgt ut som eneste jazzband til å delta på Northern Expo 2024.

Liv, som har erfaring med at å spille inn improvisert musikk i studio kan være utfordrende, fikk en meget positiv opplevelse i Athletic Sound i Halden. Liv forteller:
«De tre dagene i Halden var inspirerende, kreative og vi hadde tid til å utforske og å leke oss i studio. Vi hadde bestemt oss på forhånd for å ikke ta for mange takes av hver låt, det kan være tungt å spille solo igjen og igjen på samme parti, og dette gjorde at vi var fokusert fra første take, i tillegg til at vi fikk tid til å leke og teste ut ulike ting. Et resultat av dette er sporet «Du og jeg, baby», som er en fri improvisasjon.

Det hjalp nok også at vi har spilt så mye sammen det siste året, samtidig som jeg skrev mye ny musikk som var helt fersk da vi gikk i studio. En blanding av trygghet oss musikere i mellom, og friskt materiale gjorde at dette ble min mest positive studioerfaring så langt.»

Tittelen «Ville blomster» er også en referanse til naturen. «Det blir viktigere og viktigere å ta vare på det uberørte og ville, og det første sporet beskriver en slags drøm om at man skal finne et uberørt område med ville blomster hvor naturen ikke står i fare for å bli ødelagt. På samme måte som naturen er et fristed for oss, ønsker vi at musikken på denne plata skal være et fristed for de som lytter.» – Liv

February 2nd marks the release of Liv Andrea Hauge Trio’s first studio album, «Ville Blomster» (Wild Flowers). The trio’s debut album, «Live from St. Hanshaugen,» was recorded in Liv’s living room just a week after they started playing together. In contrast, «Ville Blomster» represents the result of a year of frequent touring, practice, and studio time. The trio has developed its own expression, allowing room for exploration and improvisation. The title «Ville blomster» symbolizes the wild and improvised side of their music, along with the beautiful and simple melodic elements (the flowers) that stand out.

The album was recorded at Athletic Sound in Halden with Dag Erik Johansen in May 2023. Much of the music was written just before, and the album’s tracks range from rythmic, catchy tunes inspired by pianists like Keith Jarrett and Brad Mehldau to more melancholic, airy compositions like «Vår» (Spring) and «Ødemarka.»(Wasteland) Regarding the writing process, Liv says, «All the songs, except for ‘Ødemarka’ and ‘Du og jeg, baby,’ (You and me, Baby) were written in my apartment in the center of Oslo. I like to open the windows and listen to life outside, sitting alone at the piano for hours, searching for an idea with a clear character.»

Looking ahead, the trio has many plans. The day after the album release, they will perform at the opening of Bodø24 with the Arctic Philharmonic and three vocalists. Later in February, they will embark on a release tour, and in the summer, they will play at various festivals and concerts abroad. They have also been selected as the only jazz band to participate in Northern Expo 2024.

Liv, who has experienced challenges when it comes to recording improvised music in the studio in the past, had a very positive experience at Athletic Sound in Halden. Liv shares, «The three days in Halden were inspiring, creative, and we had time for playful exploration in the studio. We had decided in advance not to do too many takes of each song; it can be challenging to play the same solo over and over again, and this made us focused from the first take, in addition to having time to play and try out different things. One result of this is the track ‘Du og jeg, baby,’ which is a free improvisation. It probably also helped that we have played so much together in the past year, and that I wrote a lot of new music that was fresh when we went into the studio. A mix of familiarity among us musicians and fresh material made this my most positive studio experience so far.»

The title «Ville blomster» is also a reference to nature. «It becomes more and more important to take care of the untouched and wild, and the first track describes a kind of dream that one will find an untouched area with wild flowers where nature is not in danger of being destroyed. Just as nature is a free space for us, we want the music on this album to be a sanctuary for those who listen.» – Liv


February 2nd marked the release of Liv Andrea Hauge Trio’s first studio album, «Ville Blomster» (Wild Flowers). The trio’s debut album, «Live from St. Hanshaugen,» was recorded in Liv’s living room just a week after they started playing together. In contrast, «Ville Blomster» represents the result of a year of frequent touring, practice, and studio time. The trio has developed its own expression, allowing room for exploration and improvisation. The title «Ville blomster» symbolizes the wild and improvised side of their music, along with the beautiful and simple melodic elements (the flowers) that stand out.

The album was recorded at Athletic Sound in Halden with Dag Erik Johansen in May 2023. Much of the music was written just before, and the album’s tracks range from rythmic, catchy tunes inspired by pianists like Keith Jarrett and Brad Mehldau to more melancholic, airy compositions like «Vår» (Spring) and «Ødemarka.»(Wasteland) Regarding the writing process, Liv says, «All the songs, except for ‘Ødemarka’ and ‘Du og jeg, baby,’ (You and me, Baby) were written in my apartment in the center of Oslo. I like to open the windows and listen to life outside, sitting alone at the piano for hours, searching for an idea with a clear character.»

Looking ahead, the trio has many plans. The day after the album release, they will perform at the opening of Bodø24 with the Arctic Philharmonic and three vocalists. Later in February, they will embark on a release tour, and in the summer, they will play at various festivals and concerts abroad. They have also been selected as the only jazz band to participate in Northern Expo 2024.

Liv, who has experienced challenges when it comes to recording improvised music in the studio in the past, had a very positive experience at Athletic Sound in Halden. Liv shares, «The three days in Halden were inspiring, creative, and we had time for playful exploration in the studio. We had decided in advance not to do too many takes of each song; it can be challenging to play the same solo over and over again, and this made us focused from the first take, in addition to having time to play and try out different things. One result of this is the track ‘Du og jeg, baby,’ which is a free improvisation. It probably also helped that we have played so much together in the past year, and that I wrote a lot of new music that was fresh when we went into the studio. A mix of familiarity among us musicians and fresh material made this my most positive studio experience so far.»

The title «Ville blomster» is also a reference to nature. «It becomes more and more important to take care of the untouched and wild, and the first track describes a kind of dream that one will find an untouched area with wild flowers where nature is not in danger of being destroyed. Just as nature is a free space for us, we want the music on this album to be a sanctuary for those who listen.» – Liv


Liv Andrea Hauge - Piano
Georgia Wartel Collins - Kontrabass
August Glännestrand - Trommer


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Vestlandsk Big Band Boom

Fredag 7. og lørdag 8. mars arrangerer Vestnorsk jazzsenter sammen med Bergen Big Band og Bergen jazzforum for første gang en egen festival for regionens storband, Big Band Boom, på Sardinen USF.

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