31. mai 2017

Mathilde Grooss Viddal/FriEnsemblet ft. Naïssam Jalal
Out of Silence

Om utgivelsen


FriEnsemblet ft Naïssam Jalal
GIR 1706

FriEnsemblet features the great French/Syrian flute player and composer Naïssam Jalal. The music is mainly composed and arranged by Jalal and Viddal and consists of a mix of Arabic and Norwegian, contemporary jazz music.

Mathilde Grooss Viddal and Naïssam Jalal met for the first time in Paris in 2015, after Viddal heard Naïssam on the Norwegian Radioshow «Jungeltelegrafen». She immediately took contact. Second time they met was on stage at the National Jazzscene of Norway. This record consists of the three concerts they have had together with Friensemblet; at National Jazzscene, Bø Jazzklubb and Kampenjazz in Norway during 2015-2016.

The cover art is made by the French/Syrian painter Ibrahim Jalal, and designed by Chris Mentzen.

FriEnsemblet was established in 2004 and consists of a generous group of musicians with very different individual expressions. Together they constitute a large ensemble with a significant impact. The music is mainly composed and arranged by Viddal, while each of the members’ improvisational and sonic expressions gives the band it’s unique and distinctive sound.

Out of Silence, FriEnsemblets 5th album.
Previous releases are Holding Balance 2006, Come Closer 2009, Undergroove 2012 and El Aaiun – Across the Border 2014.


Fra forsiden


Kommer hjem med Maridalen

I månedsskiftet mars/april legger Maridalen ut på turné i Agder, Vestfold og Telemark, og skal spille ni konserter på kjente trakter. Bandet har med seg trommeslager Erland Dahlen som gjest, og ser frem til å dele musikken sin med publikum hjemme.

Now's the time

NTT: Mathildes fanfare

Mathilde Grooss Viddals FriEnsemblet feirer 20 år med ny plate, Bjørn Vidar Solli snakker om David Lynch, trombonist Erik Johannessen tegner og forklarer, vi ser på The Brutalist, er på konsert med Lasse Marhaug, hører på en idealistisk impro-samler, og vi sier adjø til flere helter.

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